In the middle of July, I replied to Amnesty's CHRN (Children's Human Rights Network) e-zine where they asked for volunteers to help with web updates. I replied and went to the Amnesty UK headquarters in Islington to meet with other volunteers to see who was most suited to the different jobs in the committee.
Myself and Helle ended up being the main two people, with Helle responsible for gathering the information and writing most of the articles. I write the odd article or two, especially if there are a lot of items coming though and send everything to the web development team to upload.
It's been challenging but really enjoyable. It's nice to spend some time doing things I feel are really worthwhile. It was difficult at the beginning without Internet access in Royal Victoria. I only managed it by doing stuff at work and sending from there. Now that I've moved it's a lot easier - although I still do some writing and editing from work if there are time pressures.
The hardest part is editing the stories that are to appear on the website. How do you choose between the multitude of death penalty cases to ensure a balance on the website? Or which articles and actions should be showcased on the e-zine? I think we've done a really good job with the time and resource that we had. I'll have to do a bit more work in the future and clean up the website a little, but for now I'm very proud of what a few people have managed to achieve. Every small thing is a little victory in itself.
So here I present the first e-zine that I have helped to put together. This is the result of a lot of hard work from Helle, Indy and myself.
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